Saturday, 30 January 2021

Augmented reality and mental health

Augmented reality is the ability to overlay virtual content in the physical world and have the patient and the therapist interact in real time unlike other platforms of telehealth like virtual reality platforms. Rather than shutting us off from reality, AR enhances our experience of it. The technology is still in its infancy. But some of the biggest brands and marketing companies are moving into this space it can only be a matter of time before AR changes the world.

Augmented reality is an interactive visualization system that allows the merging of digital contents with the real environment of the user.AR is the step just after the real environment. So, gamification can be widely used for counselling. Pokemon Go and Snapchat are few basic examples.

Technology has been thought of as a detractor to healthy living in some respects but there is potential for it to be used by phsychologosits in emerging ways to engage with to reach tech-savvy clients. Technological revolution in mental health is approaching. Cybertherapy is slowly becoming most demanded, approachable and approachable method for the treatment of mental health. Using augmented reality people can experience as if they are in reality which is not possible while using virtual reality.Imagery,embodiment and connectedness play the key roles for understanding potentials of augmented reality. Augmented reality has been used in many fields, but it has not been used much to treat psychological disorders. Augmented reality provides several advantages over traditional psychological treatment and virtual reality treatments like patient can access mental health treatment from the comfort of there home but in the real time environment. Availability is the main limitation to mental health. It is not only in context of cost but also because of geographic limitation, but with the help of augmented reality people can take therapy regardless of the miles .

In the digital era augmented reality can be a quantum leap in psychotherapy for treating various mental disorders like anxiety,OCD,Autism,depression and many more.

Augmented reality allows the therapist to understand cognition, emotions and the body actions,posture and movement of the patient in detail and with precision. In AR environment people feel that they are having stimuli,trigger in the real time.This gives therapists an opportunity to see how their patient react to given stimuli in the real time and can efficiently treat the patient. 
Augmented reality is the ability to overlay virtual content in the physical world and have the patient and the therapist interact in real time unlike other platforms of telehealth like virtual reality platforms. Rather than shutting us off from reality, AR enhances our experience of it.The technology is still in its infancy. But some of the biggest brands and marketing companies are moving into this space it can only be a matter of time before AR changes the world.

Augmented reality is an interactive visualization system that allows the merging of digital contents with the real environment of the user.AR is the step just after the real environment. So, gamification can be widely used for counselling. Pokemon Go and Snapchat are few basic examples.

Technology has been thought of as a detractor to healthy living in some respects but there is potential for it to be used by phsychologosits in emerging ways to engage with to reach tech-savvy clients. Technological revolution in mental health is approaching. Cybertherapy is slowly becoming most demanded, approachable and approachable method for the treatment of mental health. Using augmented reality people can experience as if they are in reality which is not possible while using virtual reality.Imagery,embodiment and connectedness play the key roles for understanding potentials of augmented reality. Augmented reality has been used in many fields, but it has not been used much to treat psychological disorders. Augmented reality provides several advantages over traditional psychological treatment and virtual reality treatments like patient can access mental health treatment from the comfort of there home but in the real time environment. Availability is the main limitation to mental health. It is not only in context of cost but also because of geographic limitation, but with the help of augmented reality people can take therapy regardless of the miles .

In the digital era augmented reality can be a quantum leap in psychotherapy for treating various mental disorders like anxiety,OCD,Autism,depression and many more.

Augmented reality allows the therapist to understand cognition, emotions and the body actions,posture and movement of the patient in detail and with precision. In AR environment people feel that they are having stimuli,trigger in the real time.This gives therapists an opportunity to see how their patient react to given stimuli in the real time and can efficiently treat the patient.







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